I am thankful for alot of things in my life, in which I continue to give thanks.
for my brother (my baby), he see's me as his role model and everyday I strive to be just that.. his she-ro.
for my health, every day I turn on the News and continue to give thanks because as with every situation.. it could always be worse.
for my past.. i regret nothing but instead use every situation as a learning tool to assemble my life in which He wants me to live it
for my future.. for only He knows what tomorrow holds
for love .. it has taught me to never withhold my true feelings.
for loss of love.. it has taught me that just because I have grown and matured, it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone else has kept up.
for my T-mo.bile unlimited text messages because without them.. I would have a notoriously large phone bill.
for family and newfound family members.. they never cease to amaze me.
for my job.. yes it can be strenuous but it's more then what some people have and for that I am thankful.
for my Office husband .. he makes coffee for me every morning.
for his wife .. who doesn't seem to mind that he's my office husband .. she buys me Star.bucks sometimes.
for my many assortment of Tim.bs .. and the ability to keep them to myself when my coworkers ask me something stupid
for the Cleveland weather (so far) .. because I have yet to buy snow tires and I don't really want to.
for all of the bloggers .. that actually take the time out to read and comment on my rantings and miscellaneous posts that don't quite follow the "blogger protocol" like others .. but it's just me.
I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving