Monday, November 26, 2007
posted by thee modern isis at 9:19 AM

All in all, my Thanksgiving was cool.

The drunk auntie that can't stand noise didn't make it this year.. and usually when she says," Child.. I don't think I'm coming." She shows up and pisses us all off. This year we had a family pool going on if she was going to come or not.. and after all these years of saying she's not coming.. she actually didn't come. It was beautiful! Now don't get me wrong.. we love her to death.. DEATH... lol but she's a pain. She complains about every damn thing under the sun, she fusses, she knows it all and you know nothing especially if you were there and she wasn't, she never makes the dish that everyone likes.. she rather bring some crap that no one on God's green earth wants .. like boiled brussel sprouts, she reaches for the wine like it's a career goal and she'll drink all damn day while singing Down Home Blues and cussing at us when the TV's t0o loud (above a mouse pissing on cotton is too loud).

No one had to ask who made the potato salad this year because my cousin lays it out. The prodigal son (my male cousin) came over for Thanksgiving even though he moved in with his girlfriend across town and she's trying to separate him from his fam and friends.

I went to see T.his C.hristmas and B.eowulf. They both were really good, I remember having to read the book B.eowulf for a literature course so it was nice seeing things on the screen and associating it with the book. Also, T.his C.hristmas was madd funny, from the sexy men (I.dris, C.olumbus, to the "I know that's right!" parts.

Saturday evening - Sunday afternoon I spent entwined and entangled with R. From a hot oil massage that turned into something else.. to the breakfast in bed made with my coffee with cream and 3 sugars. Wrestled with the kids (his daughter and nephew) then wrestled with him (ha). I enjoyed the evening very much so.

I came home to shampoo and conditon my hair, curled up on the couch with my B.rowns lounge pants and a wife beater and watched C.old C.ase.

My weekend was wonderful. I hope everyone had a great holiday.

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At 11/26/2007 10:42 PM, Blogger GreatWhyte

I had to privatize my blog suddenly (damn Internet crazies!), so if you still want to read, send me your email address (


At 11/27/2007 1:27 AM, Blogger Janelle

sounds like you had a lot to be thankful for on turkey day....

lol @ the family. i think we all got a lil of the family looniness going on; i know i do. that's the main reason i took a break from them this year.


At 11/28/2007 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

sounds like you had a fabulous time. LMAO on your drunk auntie that didn't make it


At 11/28/2007 4:00 PM, Blogger thee modern isis

@ Mon: Girl.. u know all the crap we've been going through and honestly I still don't know where we are, I just know that he can be sweet, caring andloving when he wants to be. Other times I could stab em' with a fork.

@ X: I got ya!

@ Jenny: Yeah, all in all I had/have ALOT to be thankful for. I wouldn't mind a break one day but I love being around my fam.

@ Kreative: Thanks for coming stopping through and reading about my craziness! lol My auntie is somethin' else.